Terms and conditions

Article 1 Purpose
The purpose of this Agreement is to stipulate the terms and conditions of use, procedures, membership rules, and other necessary matters of the BeansTour (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") website (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and the services provided by the subcontracted site (hereinafter referred to as the "Service").

Article 2 Effect and Change of Terms and Conditions
1. The terms and conditions shall take effect by posting them on the service screen upon membership registration or by other means to notify members.
2. The company may change this regulation, and if it changes the regulation, it shall take effect by notifying it in advance in the same manner as in paragraph 1.

Article 3 Rules of Terms and Conditions
Matters not specified in these terms and conditions are subject to the provisions of the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act and other relevant statutes.

Article 4 Definition of Terms
The terms used in this Regulation are defined as follows.
1. Member: A person who has registered as a member of the company, and a person who has signed a service use contract with the company.
2. ID: A combination of letters or numbers selected by members and approved by the company for the identification of members and the use of members' services.
3. Email: Member's Internet mail account.
4. Password: A combination of letters and numbers determined by the member to confirm that the member is a member who matches the ID granted, and to protect the member's own secrets.
5. Operator: A person selected by the company for the overall management and smooth operation of the service.
6. Termination: the termination of a contract of use by a company or member after the service is opened.

Chapter 2 Membership Registration and Service Use
Article 1 Establishment of a Contract for Use
1. The use contract is established by the company's acceptance of the user's application and consent to the user's terms and conditions.
2. Anyone who wishes to join the service must provide the personal information requested by the company.
3. The company may not accept applications for use contracts falling under any of the following subparagraphs.
1) Name is not real name.
2) In the case of an application using the name of another person's name.
3) In the case of applying for use by falsely stating the necessary details.
4) In a case where an application is made for the purpose of impairing the order of well-being or good morals of society.
5) In the case where other requirements for application for use set by the company are insufficient.

Article 2 Modification of Contract Terms
In the event of a change in the matters entered at the time of application for use, the member must immediately modify the change by changing the member information on the website.

Chapter 3 Service Use
Article 1 Service hours
1. In principle, the service will be provided 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, unless there is a special obstacle to the company's business or technology. However, the use may be suspended without prior notice if necessary, such as data inspection or homepage maintenance.
2. The company may divide the service into a certain range and determine the available hours for each range separately, and in such cases, the details must be notified in advance.

Article 2 Obligations to manage membership IDs, e-mails and passwords
1. Members are responsible for all management of ID, email, and password. Members are responsible for all consequences of ID, e-mail and password management negligence, and fraudulent use given to members.
2. Members must notify the company of their ID, email, and password if they are used illegally.
3. The user must comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions and related laws.

Article 3 Provision of Information
The company may provide information to the members that the members believe is necessary for the use of the service using e-mail, wired media, correspondence mail, etc.

Article 4 Posts of Members
The company may delete the contents posted or registered by a member without prior notice if it is deemed that they fall under any of the following subparagraphs.
1. In the case where it is content that slanders other members or third parties or damages their reputation by slander.
2. In the case of violating public order and good morals.
3. In the case where it is recognized as being linked to a criminal act.
4. In the case of infringement of other rights such as copyright of a third party.
5. When the posting period specified by the company is exceeded.
6. In the case where advertising content that is not related to the subject of the relevant bulletin board is entered.
7. Where it is deemed to be in violation of other relevant laws and regulations.

Article 5 Copyright and License of Posts
The rights to materials published on the service are as follows.
1. The rights and responsibilities to the posts are with the publisher, and the company has the right to use them.
2. Members may not commercially use any information, such as photos and data obtained using the service, without the consent of the company.

Article 6 Suspension of Service Provision
1. The company may stop providing services in the following cases.
1) In an inevitable case due to construction, such as maintenance of service facilities.
2) In the case where a key telecommunications service provider prescribed in the Telecommunications Business Act suspends telecommunications services.
2. The company may restrict or suspend all or part of the service in the event of a national emergency, a power outage, a failure of service facilities, or a runaway use of the service.

Chapter 4 Responsibilities
Article 1 Obligations of the Company
1. The company shall provide the service when the user wants unless there is a special reason.
2. The Company is obligated to provide continuous and reliable service as prescribed in these Terms and Conditions.
3. The company cannot divulge or distribute the personal information of members acquired in connection with the service provision to third parties without their consent. However, exceptions are made when there is a request from a state agency under the provisions of the Framework Act on Telecommunications, etc., if there is an investigative purpose for a crime, a request from the Information and Communication Ethics Committee, or other procedures prescribed by the relevant laws.

Article 2 Obligations of Members
1. Members prohibit the following acts in using the service.
1) The fraudulent use of another member's e-mail.
2) The act of copying the information obtained from the service for purposes other than the use related to the company's service without prior consent from the company and using it for commercial use, publication, broadcasting, etc., or providing it to a third party.
3) Infringement of third party's copyright and other rights.
4) The act of distributing information, sentences, figures, etc. that violate public order and good morals to others.
5) An act that is objectively judged to be linked to a crime.
6) Any other act in violation of the relevant statutes.
2. Members must comply with these regulations and instructions or precautions for service use.
3. Members must comply with the restrictions on use posted by the company on the notice or announced separately for each content.
4. A member cannot conduct business activities using the service without the prior consent of the company, and the company is not responsible for the consequences of the member's business activities in violation of the regulations.

Chapter 5 Termination of Contracts and Restrictions on Service Use of Services
Article 1 Termination of Contracts and Restrictions on Service Use
1. When a member intends to terminate the use contract, he or she must apply for cancellation to the company by using the withdrawal of membership from the website.
2. In the event that a member commits any of the following acts, the company may terminate the use contract without prior notice or suspend the use of the service by setting a period.
1) You stole someone else's ID, email, and password.
2) In case of intentional obstruction of service operation.
3) Article 2 Procedures for Restriction and Release of Use
1. If the company intends to restrict its use pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, it shall notify the relevant user or agent of the reason, date and time, and all matters by e-mail or other means. However, exceptions are made when the company recognizes that it is necessary to suspend its use urgently.
2. A user or his/her agent who has received a notice of suspension of use pursuant to paragraph (1) may file an objection against the suspension of use.
3. The company may temporarily postpone the suspension of use until the period for confirmation of the objection under paragraph (2) and notify the user or his/her agent of the result.
4. If it is confirmed that the reason for the suspension of use has been resolved during the suspension period, the company must immediately lift the suspension of use.

Chapter VI Compensation for Damages, etc
Article 1 Compensation for Damages
1. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred to the Members in connection with the use of any services provided free of charge, except for the paid services such as the purchase of goods provided by the Company.
2. The company shall compensate for damages to members caused by reasons attributable to the company in connection with paid services such as the purchase of goods provided by the company in accordance with the provisions of compensation for damages prescribed by the relevant laws.

Article 2 Disclaimer
1. If the company is unable to provide the service due to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure, it will be exempted from liability for the service.
2. The company is not responsible for damages to use the service due to reasons attributable to members.
3. The Company shall not be liable for damages caused by data obtained by the Member using the services provided free of charge by the Company.
4. The company is not responsible for the information posted by the member on the service, the reliability of the facts, and the accuracy of the data.
Article 3 Jurisdictional Court
If a lawsuit is filed against a dispute arising from the use of the service, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the company's headquarters shall be the competent court.Article 2 Procedures for Restriction and Release of Use
1. If the company intends to restrict its use pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, it shall notify the relevant user or agent of the reason, date and time, and all matters by e-mail or other means. However, exceptions are made when the company recognizes that it is necessary to suspend its use urgently.
2. A user or his/her agent who has received a notice of suspension of use pursuant to paragraph (1) may file an objection against the suspension of use.
3. The company may temporarily postpone the suspension of use until the period for confirmation of the objection under paragraph (2) and notify the user or his/her agent of the result.
4. If it is confirmed that the reason for the suspension of use has been resolved during the suspension period, the company must immediately lift the suspension of use.

Chapter VI Compensation for Damages, etc
Article 1 Compensation for Damages
1. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred to the Members in connection with the use of any services provided free of charge, except for the paid services such as the purchase of goods provided by the Company.
2. The company shall compensate for damages to members caused by reasons attributable to the company in connection with paid services such as the purchase of goods provided by the company in accordance with the provisions of compensation for damages prescribed by the relevant laws.

Article 2 Disclaimer
1. If the company is unable to provide the service due to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure, it will be exempted from liability for the service.
2. The company is not responsible for damages to use the service due to reasons attributable to members.
3. The Company shall not be liable for damages caused by data obtained by the Member using the services provided free of charge by the Company.
4. The company is not responsible for the information posted by the member on the service, the reliability of the facts, and the accuracy of the data.
Article 3 Jurisdictional Court
If a lawsuit is filed against a dispute arising from the use of the service, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the company's headquarters shall be the competent court.